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Pathfinding Simulator

The Pathfinding Simulator is a small application where the user is able to simulate various pathfinding algorithms on a square, node-based grid. This application is coded in Python and UI is created using the PySide6 module


Link to the project repo to view the code:

Wildfire Rescue

Wildfire rescue is a 2D top-down puzzle-like game in a pixel art style. The aim of this game is to navigate through the different levels, trying to save as many animals as you can! You will have to make use of your axe and fire hose to safely make your way through.


You can download the game here!


Link to the project repo to view the code:

Pong game​


Using C++ and the DirectX 11 graphics libraries I recreated the game that started it all, Pong! In this 2 player game, two players can compete against each other using their paddles to bounce the ball back and forth trying to score points.


Link to the project repo to view the code:

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